Occupational Therapy ​Supporting Kinship

Celebrating individuality and honouring skills through

neurodiversity-affirming practices.

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How we started

Avenues Therapy is built on a foundation of ​empathy and personal experience, ​emphasising the importance of connection. ​We address both the visible and hidden ​complexities of experiencing day-to-day life ​through practical, evidence-based ​Occupational Therapy approaches.

Avenues Therapy strives to establish a safe and ​inclusive atmosphere that can empower ​individuals and families to continue to reach ​new heights that may initially be seen as ​unattainable.

Our Core Values

Avenues Therapy is dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment, ​guided by core values that enhance our practice and enable us to effectively ​support our clients in Brisbane Metro and Surrounds.


We're here to hold up a mirror ​to your worth and potential. ​This is practiced through a ​non-judgmental, supportive ​approach, where compassion ​and understanding can make ​a world of difference in ​reaching where we want to be


We encourage you to honour ​your journey, pursue your goals ​with confidence, and ​appreciate your unique ​experiences. Your preferences ​and personal needs are always ​at the heart of our therapeutic ​process.


We are dedicated to ongoing ​learning, driven by curiosity ​and passion. Through ​professional development and ​research, we ensure you ​receive the highest standard ​of care, informed by diverse ​lived experiences.


Danchi ​Nguyen

As the founder of Avenues ​Therapy, I am a Vietnamese-​Australian occupational ​therapist dedicated to fostering ​curiosity, connection, and ​inclusivity. I strive to create a ​warm therapeutic space for ​clients of all ages, with a strong ​focus on trauma-informed and ​neuro-affirming care.

My personal experiences, ​particularly my late ADHD ​diagnosis, motivate me to ​support others in embracing ​their unique strengths and ​challenges. In a world where ​unspoken social norms and ​behaviours can limit our ability to ​engage fully, I aim to help ​individuals live the lives they ​aspire to.

With more than seven years of ​experience in community practice, ​I view myself as a Generalist ​Occupational Therapist with ​practical expertise in home safety ​and equipment recommendations, ​focused on supporting the elderly ​and individuals with chronic ​health conditions and disabilities.

My passion lies in uncovering and ​addressing the root causes of ​barriers, particularly for children, ​young people, and caregivers who ​have yet to discover their own ​unique shades of neurodivergence ​that may have been concealed.

Blue Egg on Brown Wooden Chopping Board
Unrecognizable photographer sitting at table while checking photo on camera

Professional ​Experience

Our expertise spans comprehensive assessments, personalised ​coaching, and effective documentation practices, all aimed at ​enhancing independence, well-being, and resilience.

Main specialisations

  • Neurodivergent Support: Expertise in autism, ADHD, and ​intellectual disabilities, as well as neurocognitive conditions ​like dementia focussing on their unique strengths and needs.
  • Capacity Building: Offering life skills training, community ​access support, and group programs to promote ​independence and confidence in achieving their goals.
  • Increased Funding Outcomes: Our effective documentation ​practices have led to significant funding increases for clients, ​enabling access to essential resources for their independence ​and well-being.
Unrecognizable photographer sitting at table while checking photo on camera

Family and​ caregiver support

  • Empathetic Listening: Cultivating a safe space for caregivers ​to express their feelings, fostering trust and open ​communication.
  • Personalised Coaching: Supporting families in understanding ​and embracing neurodivergence through coaching and ​resources.
  • Goal Setting: Assisting caregivers in setting achievable goals ​that promote self-care and balance, empowering them to ​prioritize their well-being.
  • Resilience Building: Equipping caregivers with tools and ​techniques to build resilience and manage stress effectively, ​preventing burnout.
  • Support Networks: Encouraging the development of support ​systems among caregivers, facilitating connections and ​shared experiences for mutual encouragement.

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Brand StrategyBrand Strategy

Ne​urodivergent Support

Content DevelopmentContent Development

Functional Capacity Assessments

Li​fe Skills Therapy

Wab DesignWab Design

Supported Living Services


Assistive Technolo​gy

Video ProductionVideo Production

Peer Support and Mentoring

Design Accessibility AuditsDesign Accessibility Audits

Community Access trai​ning

Contact Us Today

Reach Out for Support and ​Guidance

Teneriffe, QLD, 4005

Mobile: 0433 872 243

Email: info@avenuestherapy.com.au

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